Sunday, November 30, 2008

We have more bridges than one / Vi har mer enn en bro

I live in a municipality consisting entirely of islands of various shapes and sizes. All communications have to cross water in some way. In the old days it meant boats. Today it means bridges. I have shown you the largest one ("Sotrabroen") linking us to the city of Bergen (itself on a peninsula) a number of times. Today I'll show a small one - one of the common bridges that may represent the literally hundreds of small bridges that exist in Norway.

This one connects the island "Lille-Sotra" (on which I live) with the even smaller island "Bildøy". Across it runs the Norwegian classified road 555 which then crosses more bridges before it ends up in one of the neighbouring municipalities further out.


Jeg bor i en kommune som består utelukkende av øyer. Alle forbindelser må på et eller annet vis kysse vann. I gamle dager betydde det båter. Idag betyr det broer. Jeg har mange ganger vist den største og viktigste (Sotrabroen) som forbinder oss med Bergenshalvøyen. Idag viser jeg en av de mange andre små broene. Den kan representere de mange hundre små broene som finnes i Norge.

Denne broen forbinder Lille Sotra (der jeg bor) med Bildøy. Over broen går riksvei 555 videre over andre broer og ender opp i nabokommunen Sund.

The bridge itself may not be of much architectural merit, but in a landscape like this even concrete may fit in shortly before sunset in November.


Selve broen er kanskje ikke av stor arkitektonisk verdi, men i dette landskapet blir selv betong vakkert en novemberdag før solnedgang.

And boats are still being used.


Og båtene brukes fremdeles.


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Today's flower - still around

A rose bud - still to be found in November. If you look closely.

PS The Today's flowers meme is hosted by LUIZ SANTILLI JR. . Please visit and enjoy.

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Kodak Zi6 HD Camera Test

Kodak Zi6 Test from Carl Weston on Vimeo.


Preto Fosco - DVDRip Brazil 2008

Pixacao video 2008 - DVDRip 700mb, 292ers release
Download (

PIXAÇÃO - PIXO - Trailer - Out 2009

found on hyb

Grafilthy Videos

Kiz - Berlin Subway

Kolgaito del Puerto "Mama quiero ser trenero"

Gracias a esedeese yoyoyooo por mandar el video
un saludo pal Lince


found on Revok Blog

Friday, November 28, 2008

Madridles en NYC

some writers from Madrid on the NY Subway

found on HYB

Thursday, November 27, 2008

The sun is fighting the snow in Sky Watch

The winter is approaching and with that comes the snow, but the sun doesn't give in without a fight.

PS Please visit Sky Watch Friday's own site for more.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Quioscos de las Ramblas - Barcelona

El Periodoco 24-11-2008

Barcelona o Paris?

Fuck Pfizer!!

S is for "Statsraad Lehmkuhl"

For one who was born and raised in the city of Bergen, Norway, the most natural choice for the letter "S" must be the Sailing vessel "Statsraad Lehmkuhl". Few things are more dear to us and few things symbolizes the city more than this ship. Anyone in doubt can look at my header.

The Statsraad Lehmkuhl is a three-masted barque rigged sail training vessel owned and operated by the Statsraad Lehmkuhl Foundation. She is based in Bergen, Norway and contracted out for various purposes, including serving as a school ship for the Royal Norwegian Navy (using RNoN's prefix "KNM", English: "HNoMS"). She was built in 1914 as a school training ship for the German merchant marine under the name «Grossherzog Friedrich August». After the First World War the ship was taken as a prize by Great Britain and in 1921 the ship was bought by former cabinet minister Kristoffer Lehmkuhl. (Hence the name, which means 'Cabinet Minister Lehmkuhl') With the exception of the Second World War, the ship has belonged to Bergens Skoleskib until she was donated to the aforementioned foundation in 1978 (from Wikipedia).

The shipowner Hilmar Reksten bought the ship himself and donated her to the foundation to prevent her from being sold to foreign interests.

The drawing below is from an old poster I once bought.

Norway has three large training sailig vessels, and this is the largest by far. Her dimensions is large, even by world standards. She has the following specifications:
  • Sparred Length: 98,00 m
  • L.o.a. (Length of hull): 84,60 m
  • L.b.p. (Length of waterline): 73,00 m
  • Width: 12,60 m
  • Max. Height: 48,00 m
  • Max. Draft: 5,20 m
  • Gross tonnage: 1516 t
  • Sails: 22
  • Sail area: 2026 m2
  • Speed: 11 knots (machine) / 17 knots (sails)
Of course we need some more pictures of the ship:

Here she is moored in Bergen Harbour ("Vågen"), close by the old fortress "Bergenhus".

A closer look at the decorations on the ships bow. Note the City of Bergen Coat of Arms to the left of the Norwegian flag

Here she is leading the convoy of ships leaving Bergen at the end of their stay at this year's Tall Ship's Races.

And a closer look.

Today's post is part of the the third round of ABC Wednesday. The founder, Denise Nesbitt, has changed the rules to make the system more practical. There is now a no-comment blog where you can post a copy or short version of your post with a link-back to your original post for the full version and comments. Scanning through this no-comment blog will give you lots of Smashy Ss. She has also set up a site where you can log on via Mr. Linky if you want to do that.

Hardknocks DVD - Trailer

Berlin & New York subways

Out December 2008

Monday, November 24, 2008

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Today's flower is frozen

Frozen fruit

PS The Today's flowers meme is hosted by LUIZ SANTILLI JR. . Please visit and enjoy.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

The snow has come

Yesterday night was marked by gale-force wind (20 m/sec +) and snow. We expected to wake in a snowdrift, but luckily it was only 5 cm. The clouds started to lift and we could see snowcapped mountains and a winter's neighbourhood. It is rumoured to last for at least four days more...

Friday, November 21, 2008

When you can't take pictures outside...

... you can use what is inside. This cyclamen lent a spot of life to the window sill when there was little of that outside.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Urban Vampirz 2 (Paris 2008) DVDRip

Second video of the U.V. crew from Paris. Covering bombing and trains from 1999-2008.
DVDRip - 242 Reliese -1.4 GB - France 2008
LINK ( Use WinRar

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

An inscription in Greek

Not so long ago I was walking between these ruins lying outside an old stadium on the Greek island of Rhodes (Rhodos, Rodos). There were inscriptions on several of them, and once again I found my lack of knowledge of the Greek language a shame. As a tourist on an "tourist-infected" island like this, we get by due to among other things the double signposting and the courtesy of the Greek people. But I can't read a single thing. I felt like an illiterate. I know that these were probably old inscriptions, but the principle is the same.

What, for instance, might this mean?

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

R is for Road in ABC Wednesday

A road is an identifiable route, way or path between places.[1] Roads are typically smoothed, paved, or otherwise prepared to allow easy travel;[2] though they need not be, and historically many roads were simply recognizable routes without any formal construction or maintenance.[3

All this according to Wikipedia.

So it may be something like this one - an old gravel road leading into the mountains surrounding Bergen

Or it may be a more modern edition, with a dual carriageway. Luckily on a Sunday morning in November.

It may lead into a tunnel,

It may lead onto a bridge,

Or it might lead to a one hour queue outside one of the oldest cities in the UK on the hottest day in a hundred years...

Today's post is part of the the third round of ABC Wednesday. The founder, Denise Nesbitt, has changed the rules to make the system more practical. There is now a no-comment blog where you can post a copy or short version of your post with a link-back to your original post for the full version and comments. Scanning through this no-comment blog will give you lots of Rare Rs. She has also set up a site where you can log on via Mr. Linky if you want to do that.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Odd shot wheel

I did not invent the wheel, but at least I found one.

Please visit Katney's Kaboodle for more about Odd shots!

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Today's flower that was

Something found wilting in a neighbour's garden

PS The Today's flowers meme is hosted by LUIZ SANTILLI JR. . Please visit and enjoy.