Thursday, September 25, 2008

Powerful autumn in Sky Watch Friday

We need power to survive the coming winter.

PS Please visit Sky Watch Friday's own site for more.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Reflections from an autumn

Autumn in Norway is not only many colours and clear air. It is often also completely quiet fjords and a totally clear sky, giving rise to very special photographic opportunities. These are from a stroll today.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

J is for the JOYS of Blogging

I started my first blog in 2006 for quite other purposes than the ones it is used for today. This blog was started soon afterwards as a site to place my pictures. I must admit that in the first period I posted mostly for myself, but that didn't matter too much - i did it partly to "learn the system" and partly as a form of self treatment after serious illness.

But then, slowly, I got more contacts and got more responses to my posts. I wrote more comments and got more comments. "You have to write'em to get'em". It is as true in blogging as in everything else. I got involved in several memes, among them ABC Wednesday. So now I have contacts from Seattle to Singapore - from Manchester to Melbourne. The JOYS of Blogging!

And if anyone should wonder why I have decorated this post with a picture of two Norwegian bridges, it is because one of my greatest Joys in blogging is the small meme called "Bridges between" ("Broer som binder" in Norwegian) which I host at Visual Norway the first Monday of each month. In this picture I have managed to fit in the two bridges I see every day, but never at the same time.

Today's post is part of the the third round of ABC Wednesday. The founder, Denise Nesbitt, has changed the rules to make the system more practical. There is now a no-comment blog where you can post a copy or short version of your post with a link-back to your original post for the full version and comments. Scanning through this no-comment blog will give you more Joyous Js! She has also set up a new site where you can log on via Mr. Linky if you want to do that.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Today's flower - Ivy with a guest

The flower on the Ivy has a guest that knows how to enjoy the goodies when she smells them. Beneath I have taken a closer look at the guest. As much as I dared (the enlargement - not the bee).

PS The Today's flowers meme is hosted by LUIZ SANTILLI JR. . Please visit and enjoy.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

More flying friends

Here are three more flying friends who are not giving up the summer that easily. The whole ivy (I think) at our cottage was buzzing with their activity today. And who said that colour was the only ingredient in catching pollinators?

PS I am on a very limited bandwidth, so the surfing and answering capability is limited too.

A fly in the autumn

Even though the autumn is fast approaching, some remnants of the summer can still be found.

I found this fly close by our cottage..

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Sky Watch Friday up high

Watching Sky Watchers watching the sky in Sky Watch Friday

PS Please visit Sky Watch Friday's own site for more.